
Note: If I ever randomly go inactive for more than a few days, the most likely reason is that my account's been temp restricted or lost with no way of immediately recovering it

pfp by @DarkMoon9058

Welcome to my twitter bio

-Casual gamer
-Eater of food
-Drinker of drink
-Lover of pets
-Haver of good opinions
-Haver of bad opinions
-Inconsistent moral code
-Gran Autismo 2™ (prof. diagnosis)
-Cishet aroace
-Monolingual pleb
-Ethnically Chinese/English 3:1
-Culturally white as a canvas
-Canadian. No, I don't play hockey. No, I don't put syrup on everything. No, I don't smoke weed. No, I don't have a pet moose. No, I don't live in an igloo. I'm sorry :(
-Drink water. No this isn't a fact about me, this is an order. You must obey within 2 minutes or i will fly directly to your house with a 12 pack of Dasani and force it down your esophagus.


All of my opinions are fact. If you disagree with my opinions, it means you are objectively wrong and need to reconsider all your life's choices.These can anything from food preferences to political world views and anything in between. You're probably going to get offended at some point.I try to keep things as mild and inoffensive as possible but do keep in mind this is my account so i'll do what I want

Game stuff

I talk and share a lot about the games that I play. I enjoy a wide variety of games so you probably won't know a bunch of them.
I'm mainly a Hollow Knight account but i also tweet about other things (non-exhaustive):
-Geometry Dash
-Kingdom Rush
-Plants vs. Zombies
-Town of Salem

I also tweet whatever else i feel like tweeting

-highlights and updates of stuff online and in real life
-discussions of recent events
-screenshots and updates from the games I play
-stuff that makes fun of horny people
-advice, good and bad
-random hollow knight fan character info
-criticisms of many different types of people
-dollar store philiosophy

DNI requests

Though I am an adult, my account is designed to be friendly for anyone as young as 13, so please don't reply on my profile if your account is 18+.I've been accused of holding bigoted views even though my views are often modelled by friends within those minority groups facing regular oppression. That or I'll get accused of being bigoted towards a group i actually belong to. If you find something of mine to be offensive, please just stay away or block me instead of making a fuss about it.DNI if you think the "toothpaste" flag is problematic.

Why am i blocked?

I block A LOT to get accounts i don't enjoy seeing off of my feed. Don't take it personally. Feel free to reach out with an alt or on discord if you want to get unblocked.


I've made a Discord server for anyone interested. Great place to go if you wanna get closer and it's much neater than a Twitter gc. My tag is link9058